Elder Michele’ D. Denson, a native of Philadelphia, PA is the youngest daughter of five siblings. Elder Denson was introduced to Christianity by her mother, LaJoyce Ayers. She accepted Christ at the age of 16, while a member of Calvary Baptist Church, Philadelphia, PA under the pastoral leadership of Reverend Emerson Talmadge.  At Calvary Baptist Church, she participated faithfully in the youth choir, and as youth usher.

Elder Denson matriculated through the Philadelphia public school system. She began her collegiate education at Indiana University of Pennsylvania (IUP) and completed her Bachelor’s Degree in Business Administration at Strayer University.  Elder Denson also holds a Master’s Degree in Divinity from Christian Bible College and Seminary.  

In the marketplace, Elder Denson pursued excellence as well. She dedicated twenty years to Chimes, Inc. where she changed the lives and assured the needs were met for developmentally delayed adults.  In 2017, Elder Denson birthed the idea of opening her own daycare, and in May 2018 the entrepreneur resigned as the Director of Community Support Service and opened the doors to Beautiful Butterflies Childcare Center. 

During her tenure at IUP, she received her spiritual training at Victory Christian Assembly under the tutelage of Dr. Melvin Jenkins.  She is also blessed to have Bishop Ralph L. Dennis and Lady Deborah Dennis as spiritual parents. Elder Denson accepted the call to ministry in 1993.  Elder Denson’s no-nonsense tell-it-like it is approach to ministry has opened many doors to minister in women's conferences, marriage retreats, and women's bible studies.

Elder Denson serves with her husband, Bishop Marvin Denson, II, as set gifts for Restoration International Worship Center. They are the parents of two adult children, Monique and Neko, and granddaughter Kaylen Michele.  Elder Denson is a mentor, confidante, encourager, friend, and "mother" to many. Elder Denson gains her strength through her favorite scripture Numbers 23:19 "God is not a man, that He should lie, nor a son of man, that He should repent. Has He said, and will He not do? Or has He spoken, and will He not make it good? "